Wednesday, August 31, 2005

And, of course, she still loves a good nap

She loves the feather-on-a-pole toy

She also loves jumping in and out of this cat carrier.

Brotherly love ...

... and sisterly stealth attack.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Nieces and kitten

This is why Izzy was so tired ...

We're back in business

New camera is in action. This picture is after a weekend babysitting our nearly-5-year-old niece and our 2-year-old niece. Do I look tired? Does Izzy look tired?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Camera ordered

With any luck we'll have the new digital camera tomorrow, and photo posts will resume. Keep your fingers crossed and thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

While you're waiting for new pics ...

Isabella has a page on! Please visit (and leave her virtual "treats").

She's quite popular already.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Please excuse the lack of posts

Technical problems here at Izzy's house: our digital camera broke over the weekend and I haven't acquired a new one yet. Very sorry. I'll try to dig out some unpublished oldies in the interim, as time permits.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Aunt-niece-kitten snuggle time

Izzy and Cassie check out the cat carrier

Busy day

We had some veterinary drama in the house today. Izzy had an appointment in the morning, at which we learned that she'd gained a half-pound in the last three weeks (she now weighs 3 lbs) and everything else is looking good. She got a couple more vaccinations and we dropped off a baggie of her finest creation. The vet said she's between 3.5 and 4 months old based on the teeth she's lost in the front. It was a good visit. But when we got home, I watched Frankie and Izzy interact and noticed that something was really wrong with Frankie. Back to the vet. He was acting very clingy and not happy about the other pets being near him, which is really unusual for him, and he was having a hard time swallowing. So the vet took a chest x-ray and figured out he has either asthma or bronchitis, probably bronchitis. Sheesh! Above, Frankie and Izzy played a very little bit in the late evening -- both were wiped out, Izzy from her shots and Frankie from his respiratory problems and/or his medicine. They played really sweetly, as they've taken to doing.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Because of reader demand, I was trying to get a picture of the niece with Izzy. Here, Cassie tells me about her snack while Izzy helps herself to some milk on the lid of Cassie's sippy cup.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Izzy enjoys a visit from Unky Mike

I tried to get her to lick and bite his nostrils instead of mine, since he fell asleep in the chair and clearly deserved such torture, but she settled for hanging out nearby.

Monday, August 15, 2005

What's that they say about curiosity?

Someone was VERY intrigued by my fishtank maintenance project today.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

But she HATES the Royals

For some reason, Izzy felt really strongly about attacking my Kansas City cap.

Now she's a University of Arizona Wildcats fan

Saturday, August 13, 2005

OMG she's precious

Friday, August 12, 2005


Declaring war on the camera strap

Apparently posing for all those photos gets tedious.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Resting after the brotherly torture

This is giving me flashbacks.

When I was a wee thing, I had a big brother who was (or seemed, anyway) proportionately this much bigger than me. And he used to beat up on me just like this. Your pity is welcome. Meanwhile, rest assured Izzy can hold her own much better than I could.

By the way, sorry for the delay in posts -- I was out of town again. But I'm back, and blogtastically recharged.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Double-chin alert!

I know what you're thinking: Izzy could stand to lose a couple of pounds. I'll have a chat with her about that. But here is proof of how goshdarned cuddly she is -- she likes to hang out on my shoulder.

I told you so.

The cuteness is really kinda unbearable. Do they have a pill to cure this sort of thing?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Can you imagine having to put up with this cuteness on a daily basis? It's torture.

Fun with Frankie

Fun with toys

Yes, Isabella is a true Siamese

This was her reaction to the news that the Nationals had lost AGAIN.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Clearly Izzy is a Washington Nationals fan

But really, who among us is not?

Fancy toys are proof of our love

This was taken last Thursday night, before the weekend -- I should have posted it as a stand-in while I was gone. My sincere apologies.