Wednesday, November 30, 2005

We need to beef up security around here

Isabella is clearly plotting her escape. She gets massively jealous when Frankie goes outside, and she goes absolutely insane when Edie and Kim go out in the back yard. She tried to chew her way out of this window but I gently suggested (with the aid of a spray bottle) that she stop doing that.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Look at this classy tail wrap!

Pre-winter means taking extra steps to keep the feets warm. Please note the facial expression, which looks suspiciously like Siamese Attitude, although it might instead be that Izzy is not fond of the bright flash.

Still a photogenic snoozer

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Warning: Graphic content

Now, please believe me when I tell you that porn -- even the Cinemax soft-core variety -- usually isn't on the television in our home. But sometimes I watch a movie and I leave the channel on while I do other stuff and before you know it, porn is playing. Here we see the danger of that sort of negligent activity; curious eyes may be exposed to things they are not old enough to see.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sphinx cat